Applications are now being accepted for Peanut Leadership Academy Class XIII – Alabama Peanut Producers Association

The Peanut Leadership Academy is a cooperative effort between grower organizations and agricultural extension. The academy is sponsored by Syngenta Crop Protection and the American Peanut Shellers Association. Participants are nominated by agricultural leaders in their counties and then selected by a committee of state leaders.


The program began in 1998 with the first class of 14 peanut growers from Alabama, Florida and Georgia. Today, the program has evolved to include growers from Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas and Virginia as well as sheller representatives.


Applications are now being accepted for Class XIII of the Peanut Leadership Academy. To be eligible for participation, candidates must derive their primary livelihood from farming and currently produce peanuts, make a commitment to the program, agree to attend all sessions except in times of illness or a family emergency, be between the ages of 22 and 45 and provide a completed application.


Click here to find out more information and download the application.